Need help with 2004


Ghost in the Machine
Aug 1, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
A friend at work has a 2004 GMC Duramax. He recently bought a Hypertech (I told him to get EFI but what do I know, anyway) he was telling me that one of the questions was if he had traction control. He doesn't know, so I figured someone here help. How do you tell if the truck has traction control? Is there a way to turn it off?



Wicked Witch of the West
Aug 2, 2006
Norco, CA
I don't think Duramax's have traction control. I hope someone corrects me if I'm wrong. I know that we don't have the button like in the Camaro or Vette at least.

Diesel Pilot

Hat? Suitcase? 50 BMG?
Aug 9, 2006
Pickerington, OH
Here is how you can tell if a Duramax has traction control.

You go out on a back road somewhere (for safety sake). Oh and this works a lot better if it is raining or the pavement is wet bye the way but results will vary.

Ok, put the truck in drive and hold the brake as hard as you can or just enough to keep the truck from moving at all times during the test. Then you slowly push on the accelerator until the rear tires start to spin. Then when they start to spin, you mash the accelerator to the floor. At this point it might be kind of hard to tell if the truck has traction control or not because it is making so much noise but here's the trick. When, and only when you can tell that you have run through all 5 gears and the speedo is at least to 100 mph, is when you can be sure that the truck does not in fact have traction control.

This is by far the best way to tell if the truck has traction control or not, and it has been the standard in testing for many years.

Let us know how the test works.