well a buddy of mine and i have put alot of time and effort in this truck and it finally paid off last night we drove it to the track and the first pass of the night we went 12.18@ 111 mph we ran it out to 4k in third gear and kept it out of overdrive it was screaming... the next pass we let the truck go into overdrive and went 12.22@ 113 mph we gained mph so we knew we did something right we playedwith the waste gate and let it eat again 11.94@ 118 mph so we backed down the shift points and the final pass went 11.77@119 mph then we had some issues driving it home sounds like a rod or piston went we will be doing a compression test later today. the truck specs are a 01 dodge p-pumped 24 valve 64mm/75mm, i also think something went wrong with the bottom charger too