Lock up for Charity


Lead from the Front
May 20, 2010
Springfield IL
Not sure if you guys care if I do this on here or not, if so, please just delete this.

I am doing a "lock up" for Jerry's Kids/MDA in support of raising money for children affected by muscular dystrophy. Please help me raise the $1600 to get me out of jail and allow 2 children to go to summer camp this year!!

This is the first time doing a charity event, so I want to try and do good and get as much raised as possible lol. When it was brought up to me, figured what the hell, seemed like a good cause. So i agreed to do it, and being gone and busy all week, think I fell behind the power curve on getting started.

Here is the link to donate. Remember, any donations are appreciated and it can be used as a tax deduction.

Any help is much appreciated!!

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