The government is not per se in this instance getting bigger, more of collecting data/information about you (data storage buildings already built) that can be stored, collated about you at any given time throughout your life. When the time comes to need YOUR information it will be available to analyze where you have been. Credit cards, facial recognition cameras, license plates, need I mention Facebook, text, if you have an AZ driver's license look at the back, anyone know what rectangular box is, other states may have them the list goes on. Life/health insurance companies have been doing this since the 50's, never lie on a life insurance application about your health, they know the last time you went to the doctor for a pimple on your butt and with the actuary tables available to them they have a good idea how long you will live. Think MIB,(medical information bureau). The life/health insurance companies have a cozy relationship with the government, they write their own legislation, need an example, Obama Care ring a bell
This for instance, Dick Tracey and his wrist radio we have already surpassed that by leaps and bounds and it was a comic book, the phone you carry with you every day. We think of it as a necessity and will be used to collect more information. One TV show, not a good one though is Person of Interest, the "machine" as it is called more than likely does exist. Who has control of it, who knows, for me my life on this planet is not long anymore and what happens when my life has ended I will never know......and last but not least, this post will be stored, collated to be used at any given time before I die....