If i remember right they are 15% stronger than LB7/LLY don't quote me on that though so if LB7 bend @ 600 after X passes than LBZ will get the same passes at 690 hp , IMOP 600-650 could be done reliably if there is such a thing at anything above 500 :rofl: but i also agree with the others that say a built motor with LBZ stuff will be around 4-5k to hold another 100 hp and with the right rods the cost would be 7500 for the same build and it would hold 500 more HP , IMOP the bang for the buck isnt there on a LBZ build unless you cant afford more or can do a bare bones rod swap but then there goes your reliability argument so .................... in short better yes , wrong no , just X hp capability for X $$ in any build you consider , choose accordingly to your budget and goals .