no i mean the rail trent i heard that reg was a mofo to get to?....
btw didnt know about dremeling anything but heck while im in there ill check it out
also trent did you get the extra 1k rail just becuase or by commanding 180mpa?
I would not waste the time drilling out the passenger side rail fitting but the drivers side is easy and worth while IMO.... There are a couple DIY mods you can do to the CP3, but I have never done them myself. I do know from reading about it there is a very small margin for screw ups, so I would take the time and look up the pics and process on here before you just start dremeling away:hug: I also believe you need to ajust your tuning to switch from an LLY to LBZ reg........ Which reminds me I have a brand new LMM/LBZ regulater sitting here if your looking for one? I also could use a LLY regulater if you want to get rid of yours...
no i mean the rail trent i heard that reg was a mofo to get to?....
btw didnt know about dremeling anything but heck while im in there ill check it out
also trent did you get the extra 1k rail just becuase or by commanding 180mpa?
hmm very interesting. well i want to find a detailed write up before i decide 100% to do this and it wont be till after TS that way i wont be screwed if i mess up. but if i do it we can def work something out.
out of curiosity though, why would you need a lly regulator and not a lbz one? something to do with dual pumps?
sweet, well sadly im not the greatest mechanic and i dont have the greatest selection of tools.
can anyone point me in the direction of a good DIY writeup on this?
do you think thats better then an lbz reg?
no.. i'd order one from Wicked Diesel
any idea off hand what they run? and what mpa ill be able to command?