Well, It's been a long time since I have been active here but it's about that time again. I recently traded my 2003 CCSB 1500HD Silverado for a 2006 ext cab Silverado LBZ that likes to take out turbos. So far I have plumbed in a mechanical guage and verify it is low oil pressure causing the turbo to burn out within 200 miles. On my mechanical guage, it starts at 100-90 psi in 70f weather and within 5 minitues will start to drop consistantly with engine temperature rising untill it is fully warmed up and only makes 10psi on my mechanical guage, 5psi on the scanner. No diesel on dipstick, weird noises, cylinder imbalance or otherwise, but it does have a fair bit of blowby when warm. This truck was stuck in the mud revving quite high when this damage occured. I personally think its either wiped main bearings or maybe spun the no. 4 cam bearing or oil pump gear or something. I will be doing a full rebuild with LB7 pistons on this engine. Just wondering what you guys have most often seen cause an issue like this?