sup y'alls! my dad has a 2006 duramax cclb with a small tune to help with towing. truck typically runs great, the only time we really have an issue is on long hauls. i'm from topeka ks and we went to grand island nebreska (about 4.5 hours) pulling an empty trailer and had no issues. made boost, got around 20.8mpg. on the way bad hauling a 600lb quad in the bed and a 68 firebird convertible shell (maybe 1800 lbs) we started having issues about an hour and a half back. started with the truck not making boost and starting to black smoke like crazy, then went into limp mode. nothing over 2000 rpm, no power, wouldn't pull hills, wouldn't shift in tow haul mode, nothing in manual trans mode. this is the third time this has happened. my first thought was a waste gate but was told this turbo's are variable boost and don't use a waste gate. is this accurate? any idea's where to start? under the hood the truck is bone stock. thanks in advance.
- Scottie
- Scottie