LBZ electrical issues


Steady Sleepin'
Oct 18, 2015
Lake Charles, LA
I've had a few electrical issues in my LBZ so about a month ago I ended up Swapping out my ECM, TCM, GPCM, and BCM and everything seemed to work great again. week or so later my HVAC resistor went out and my fan for my A/C would not work. Changed the resistor and about a week later is went out again. just said screw the A/C. Then had some intermittent problems with fuel, Rail pressure would shoot up to 27K-28Kpsi at idle. Tried changing Fuel Rail Pressure sensor, still same issue. Instead of just changing Fuel Pressure Regulator, I went ahead and changed the whole CP3. Crank it up, still over pressuring. Checked all the wires for the FRP Sensor and the FPR all the way back to the ECM connector and the wires are fine. I've gone over, checked, inspected, cleaned, every ground wire I can find. There's less than an Ohm of resistance between the both batteries and the frame. I don't know what to do now. My only thought is to try another ECM and see if its acts right, any other suggestions?


Aka Mike Honcho....
Aug 25, 2016
Make sure grounds are clean and tight. I wouldnt know what to tell you on fpr but the fan. The wiring harness is crap and the resisters do go out from time to time. The nuetrals have way to much resistance and melt. I have a new harness for it sitting on my seat rt now waiting to be installed. (My wires are hard and crunching)


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Moved this into LBZ section of Hard Parts and changed the title so others will notice it.


Steady Sleepin'
Oct 18, 2015
Lake Charles, LA
Thanks for the suggestions. I did manage to get everything fixed. I filled my fuel filter up with diesel klean and cleared the codes. I fired it up, and once it started to over fuel I'd let it go for a couple seconds then shut it off. Did that twice and on the third crank it started running normally. Let the truck idle for about 20-30min and haven't had any issues since.