just got pulled over

brown bear

como estan beeches!!
Mar 31, 2009
Durango CO
So i went for a little spin to check my tune out. i drove to the hwy and i floored all the way. after all the smoke cleared out --i saw i cop hauling a$$ right after me, I didn't even realized that the one I was smokin was a cop! (because he was in an unmarked SUV) so i slow down about 65mph he finaaaallllly caught up to me. He followed me for about a minute and then the lights came on. Crap! He got to my window and I said "why are you pulling me over?" (because I didn't go over the speed limit, I only hauled butt reaching the speed limit. He said "do you know how fast you were going?" And I almost laughed, it reminded me of Super Troopers. Anyway, he didn't get any radar on me and so I knew he had nothing on me. I explained to him that I was working on a tune and my lap top was there with me. Another funny thing was that my cover was off of the steering column and he asked me about that too (like I stole the truck or something). Anyway, he took my paperwork, and took forever to come back. He said "be careful" and didn't give me a warning ticket or anything. I think what caught his eye was me going from 0 to 85 with black smoke filling the highway and he didn't even have time to get out the radar! :rofl:


Mar 2, 2008
Reno, NV
Is that the new tune I sent you? :rofl:

Your DSP5 is pretty much done I just need to email it to you Antonio. I just got the internet turned back on today.