How was the electrical swap without going to a 6spd trans? How'd you work an egr delete, or did you leave it on?
I have the 6-speed too... Got the shifter, cluster, everything an 06 would have. If you where to jump in my truck, you'd think it WAS an 06 except for the Onstar @ XM antennas (and the color, if you knew that GM didn't offer that color after the 05MY). As for the electrical swap, it was
almost plug & play. There where a few wires I had to move around, had to add the wires for the tap-shift, but the total add/change/ count was soemthing like 6 wires; with the APP swap, except for the C100 connector (which was where all the adds/changes where), the connectors where all PnP.
EGR is GONE. My friend and I made a EGR delete pipe like the ones Rick sells for the LLY's so I could use my LLY CAC and piping.
Anyway, Might have an issue. When I got on it for the first time tonight (at which point I had put about 90 gentle miles on it, barely exceeding 2000RPM, and one full heat cycle and several partals), it blew a rather large amount of some kind of smoke. I couldn't tell what color though becasue it was dark out and I could only see it in the headlights of the cars behind me. When I got home almost 10 minutes later, I felt the upper hose and it was soft, as in I could squeeze it with two fingers (incidentally, this leads me to believe I did have a HG problem with my LLY as the hose got much harder than that, but oddly, was soft when it cooled off). The tune I'm running shouldn't be smoking... It wasn't before. It's a ~40hp tune with no fuel added, just timing changes. I'll find out tomorrow what color it is if it continues to do it.
Or could the higher compression ratio than the LBZ tuning is "expecting" cause some kind of issue?