So I've finally got the electronics heading in the right direction on my conversion. Now on to fixing leaks and what not.
I've got one water leak that I cannot get to stop. I've replaced three gaskets already, but still this bastard is leaking. Both mating surfaces are clean as can be but it still leaks.
This spot that's leaking is between the water pump and the oil cooler tube, where there's two studs that bolt the two together.
Any advice is much appreciated as this is driving me crazy!
I've got one water leak that I cannot get to stop. I've replaced three gaskets already, but still this bastard is leaking. Both mating surfaces are clean as can be but it still leaks.
This spot that's leaking is between the water pump and the oil cooler tube, where there's two studs that bolt the two together.
Any advice is much appreciated as this is driving me crazy!