Just wondering. Im 12 dollars in the hole. Anyone else play the lottery or buy scratch offs regulary? Whats your game plan when playing? Now 17 in the hole lol. Its fun and kinda addicting.
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Just wondering. Im 12 dollars in the hole. Anyone else play the lottery or buy scratch offs regulary? Whats your game plan when playing?
Its a racket,and its suposed to be set for 39% payout roughly so if you bought 1000 worth you should win around 390.........just enough to keep you hooked and keep coming back.I wonder what the odds of winning something would be if you took like a 1,000 bucks into a gas station and bought all the scratch offs? I vote smokeyD to try this!
I wonder what the odds of winning something would be if you took like a 1,000 bucks into a gas station and bought all the scratch offs? I vote smokeyD to try this!
Better off playing a couple at the time and waliking away,most put the money right back in the machine till its all gone.Better off playing Blackjack or something you have a little control over the out come.Ah, not worth it.