Can anyone offer an oipinion to a recent problem I've had. Like most LB7's I had the factory injectors replaced @aprox. 60000mi. I then proceeded to run several trouble free years with a PPE Duramaximizer controller. Usually running about 60% turnned up, I logged another 70000mi when, luckily after returning from holidays, two injectors puked their guts in my driveway. Was it the controller or coincedence????? I am wheelin again but am nervous about using the controller, as I replaced the injectors with stock replacements.
Can anyone offer an oipinion to a recent problem I've had. Like most LB7's I had the factory injectors replaced @aprox. 60000mi. I then proceeded to run several trouble free years with a PPE Duramaximizer controller. Usually running about 60% turnned up, I logged another 70000mi when, luckily after returning from holidays, two injectors puked their guts in my driveway. Was it the controller or coincedence????? I am wheelin again but am nervous about using the controller, as I replaced the injectors with stock replacements.