I was thinking the same. I remember when you only had ads on certain music videos, then they let you skip them 5 seconds in. Shortly after these ads moved to other popular videos and mandatory ads up to 30 seconds long were on really popular stuff. Now you're lucky if you get a video without an ad and thrilled to get one you can skip in 5 seconds. As if those aren't enough you have to deal with the ads over the video, the ads under it, to the right and in the "suggested" videos. I realize youtube is free, but I think Google has enough money to keep it running. That said, with the amount of crap I end up watching on there I'd pay a few bucks to be ad free. Especially if they let you setup a playlist with songs and no ads. Currently cant because some ads are 3 minutes long if you arent physically there to skip them. I hook the computer up to the shop system and can't be babysitting it all day. FM radio sucks because it repeats songs and commercials, Youtube doesn't work well, my iPod is good but you are limited to what you put on them. I like a big variety of music. Pandora is a happy medium but still pisses me off. The guy who invents voice controlled pandora will be my hero. That way instead of physically going into office to slick dislike on the terrible songs it suggests(mostly because I have Kesha and Fergie on there, so it thinks I like other junk) I can simply yell "sucks" across the shop and it will change.
I see youtube charging for premium service soon. I think its their plot to slowly condition us, its worked I guess.