How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2010
As much as I would love to see this thread closed, it is really my only place I can vent my frustrations about this whole situation. Sure, I can talk to my coworkers but they can, like me, only take so much or forget much of the previous day's discussion. Plus finding out one may hold different views then mine during, may result in undesirable consequences. Political views are not protected classes, unlike being fat or gender.....


I May Be Lost...
Jul 1, 2008
1st, yes you are. There's a reason the McSwains never let political talk never ends well. I personally have lost a lot of respect for you already due to your views. Funny how you can say that people who dont wear masks infringe on YOUR rights, but you cant see it the other way around. Plus, you mocking our personal freedoms in dealing with this virus is insulting and disgusting, yet you are ok with wearing a CF bandana in this political climate in? Interesting level of "F-U" there.....

2nd, opinions on this virus have evolved as we've learned more about it, same as treatments and such. Our levels of technology have absolutely nothing to do with it. We will never, ever defeat this bug. Its here to stay, so we must learn to deal with it. No level of leadership or cooperation would've helped in the beginning, b/c it was already here for months. We lost before we even started. PLUS, our own CDC failed us know, the people who's only job is to deal with this exact thing! They should have been front and center on this (NOT Fauci!) but never were.
Add in the fact that there was never any consistency from ANYONE in leadership on this, b/c nobody knew what we were dealing with, and the confusion about it all, plus the "do as I say, not as I do" by our leaders (both state and federal, Dem and Rep) just pissed off more and more people every day. Now we're here, mask nazis and all. Welcome to China.

3rd, the fact you think comparing dictatorships (China, NK) to the USA in how they handled this virus is absolutely, totally ludicrous. Seriously, just stick to boats.....

F-it, Im done with this. Its Mike's thread, so I cant close it.....but damnit I wish I could.

Agreed Tom!


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
I feel we have said all that can be said about the political aspects of this virus. We obviously have our own views and have shared them.

My son didn’t get sick and went back to therapy. Still don’t know for sure who got sick on his team, but we suspected it was his counselor. Interesting that he didn’t get sick since you can’t get any closer to people than he does his with his therapist. Without being intimate with them anyways. My son requires a lot of snuggles and hugs during meltdowns.

My wife had an elementary school kiddo out sick Friday. COVID test came back positive on Monday. All day on the phone doing conference calls and contract tracing. She sent 12 kids home for isolation. Different time frames for each kid due to their proximity to the kid that got sick in the classroom. Don’t believe there’s any isolation for the teacher due to distance.


Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
You're correct bac I should probably turn down my my political views. However as a staunch independent, I don't support either major party on much of anyting. However in this pandemic situation, we really need to look seriously at where our problem lies. The reason I compare other countries to us is because many of them that I've mentioned don't have covid issue today. In one day the White House reported more cases than Australia, New Zealand and five other countries combined. Someone feel free to explain that one to me.

If everything is fine, nothing to be worried about, then I'll be proven wrong. You all feel free to Target me however you wish. But if I'm correct and the numbers show it, I'll expect an apology. Before I picked up this latest Hobby, my position in information technology was it the highest levels worldwide. With the likes of, the head of our homeland security, called me multiple times when ship was really messed up. That career also gave me the opportunity travel the world and look back at our country Through The Eyes of many from outside.

The way I see it we have two options. First listen to the scientists and doctors and do what's prescribed. Sure mask may not be the save all, however from over 100 years ago do doctors figure it out that it sure did slow the progression of the Spanish Flu. The other option is just Sun science, Dr, epidemiologist, and ignore the problem. Think of it as a truck. If it's smoking like crazy and you think you have a bad injector, it would replace the injector. However is that doesn't resolve the issue, do you continue to try and resolve the problem or just drive the truck until it won't run any further?

Right about now America has a crankcase full of diesel fuel, it's about ready to ship a rod. Don't say I didn't warn you... sorry for being brief, but I'm driving and Google is dictating for me. Technology, pretty amazing stuff. LOL

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Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
After my first stop for fuel, I have to say my Outlook is not improving as I roll South. Huge sign on the door anyone entering building must wear face masks. Total of 6 people in the building, three employees three customers. One of the three customers, no face mask. I wanted to ask him what his education level was but I didn't.. second grade, however they had pictures on the door.

My point is, if we can't agree on the solution through this human versus Mother Nature problem, how do we expect you get out of it? 10 years ago I joined this site seeking help from professionals and have tried to pay back by sharing things I've learned as a form of appreciation.

Within the last 5 days I told someone in Southern California to pound sand or buy a $75,000 engine if they wanted to learn how to make an LML pump conversion. The how to is posted here. However that comment came 100% because of something I learned from sting. Some people will take, profit from it, and never even give you recognition for your design.

So I apologize if I've offended anyone, my goal is only to make everyone open their mind and help find a solution to a problem that doesn't seem to be that big too many other countries around the world. You don't have to agree with their tactics, or how they handle it, just recognize that it worked for them why not us?

Everyone stay safe, and look for me in the crowd wearing my P95 respirator if no one else has a mask.

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The Pusher Man
Jan 11, 2007
central Ohio
See again Ken you have to down grade anyone not wearing a mask as not educated. Why is that? Why would you not stay away from the person if you feared for your life? If you practice your safe distance he can't harm you. Its pretty sad that this country is in situation it is because of a basic flu. My mom died when I was 12 from cancer but it still exist to this day. 606,808 deaths in 2019 from cancer but all we hear about is Covid. Why is that?


Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
1. It's the law.

2. Huge signs on door informing you of said law.

If you disagree with law, you don't need to follow it?

I'm fine with letting the lawyers sort it out and take their cut. Had this discussion with a friend of mine who runs a business over there. After checking with his insurance, they put up signs to abide by law. Only possible repercussion, lose business. Literally

PS. E35 Ecm stop firing injectors at 5850 RPM. No matter what you do, it will report and data log 10,000 RPM. But it won't fire and injector above 5800. Thought you might like to know that Jeff.

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2009
Quoted from that executive order...
“The order requires all West Virginians age 9 and older to wear a face covering at all indoor public places where six feet of social distancing cannot be maintained.

The requirement does not apply to anyone who has trouble breathing or anyone who is otherwise unable to remove their own face covering without assistance.“

Maybe people should have to carry around x-rays to prove they have trouble breathing so mask nazis know to stay 6 feet away from said person not wearing a mask?

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Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
Here we go again talking down to people..............
Please explain....

Just fueled up in Orangeburg South Carolina. 100% compliance indoors there. Signs on the door, announcements over the loudspeaker. Anyone know the law in this state??

If you have an issue that does not allow you to wear a mask, wouldn't it be easy to have a note from your doctor? Fits in your wallet better than a chest x-ray. LOL

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Active member
May 22, 2020
After my first stop for fuel, I have to say my Outlook is not improving as I roll South. Huge sign on the door anyone entering building must wear face masks. Total of 6 people in the building, three employees three customers. One of the three customers, no face mask. I wanted to ask him what his education level was but I didn't.. second grade, however they had pictures on the door.

My point is, if we can't agree on the solution through this human versus Mother Nature problem, how do we expect you get out of it? 10 years ago I joined this site seeking help from professionals and have tried to pay back by sharing things I've learned as a form of appreciation.

Within the last 5 days I told someone in Southern California to pound sand or buy a $75,000 engine if they wanted to learn how to make an LML pump conversion. The how to is posted here. However that comment came 100% because of something I learned from sting. Some people will take, profit from it, and never even give you recognition for your design.

So I apologize if I've offended anyone, my goal is only to make everyone open their mind and help find a solution to a problem that doesn't seem to be that big too many other countries around the world. You don't have to agree with their tactics, or how they handle it, just recognize that it worked for them why not us?

Everyone stay safe, and look for me in the crowd wearing my P95 respirator if no one else has a mask.

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Your "goal" is to make anyone that doesn't wear a mask feel dumb and un-educated, you need to wear your mask 24/7 if it makes you feel safe and no one will have a problem with it. Everyone else should make their own choice as well, personally I have not put a mask on yet one single time and have walked away from several businesses because they tried to enforce it. A government that allows the deaths of thousands of babies every year and you want to tell me they care about my life or my grandmothers? That's a joke, all they care about is control. And so I will continue to shop at the places where they allow me to make my own choices.
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Active member
Jun 15, 2008
Rancho Cucamonga
You're correct bac I should probably turn down my my political views. However as a staunch independent, I don't support either major party on much of anyting. However in this pandemic situation, we really need to look seriously at where our problem lies. The reason I compare other countries to us is because many of them that I've mentioned don't have covid issue today. In one day the White House reported more cases than Australia, New Zealand and five other countries combined. Someone feel free to explain that one to me.

If everything is fine, nothing to be worried about, then I'll be proven wrong. You all feel free to Target me however you wish. But if I'm correct and the numbers show it, I'll expect an apology. Before I picked up this latest Hobby, my position in information technology was it the highest levels worldwide. With the likes of, the head of our homeland security, called me multiple times when ship was really messed up. That career also gave me the opportunity travel the world and look back at our country Through The Eyes of many from outside.

The way I see it we have two options. First listen to the scientists and doctors and do what's prescribed. Sure mask may not be the save all, however from over 100 years ago do doctors figure it out that it sure did slow the progression of the Spanish Flu. The other option is just Sun science, Dr, epidemiologist, and ignore the problem. Think of it as a truck. If it's smoking like crazy and you think you have a bad injector, it would replace the injector. However is that doesn't resolve the issue, do you continue to try and resolve the problem or just drive the truck until it won't run any further?

Right about now America has a crankcase full of diesel fuel, it's about ready to ship a rod. Don't say I didn't warn you... sorry for being brief, but I'm driving and Google is dictating for me. Technology, pretty amazing stuff. LOL

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While I read this thread on a site I have been on since nearly when it started I am a bit sad that some attack you without looking in the mirror and understanding their actions affect others. Another person that I know has passed on Sunday due to this virus making the number 5. Three of the people were convinced their own carelessness had gotten them ill. Another was sickened by a nurse that traveled between jobs and the last did not know where they contracted it. I also know 4 people that contracted it and did not die. My wife is a teacher, luckily she is still teaching from home. If not, she would have 160 high school kids that she does not know where they have been or how many contacts their families have had. Should the kids be allowed to not where masks to risk my wife's life? 3 kids that she is teaching remotely have contracted it but have not gotten very ill, but in class it could have spread to the other kids or my wife and possibly killed her. Parents at the school don't want their kids having to wear masks... stupid.
I don't like wearing a mask but have been since the beginning for work. I am here to say it has not been that big of a deal. I have seen way more energy spent complaining about wearing them that actually spent to put them on when requested. Just follow the guidance its not that hard and maybe other will not lose 5 people they know.
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May 22, 2020

This happened a little ways from where I live in Kentucky, a lady was forced by police to wear an ankle bracelet because even though she agreed to self quarantine to the best of her ability, she refused to sign any legal papers. Talk about control hungry...
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Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
1. It's the law.

2. Huge signs on door informing you of said law.

If you disagree with law, you don't need to follow it?

I'm fine with letting the lawyers sort it out and take their cut. Had this discussion with a friend of mine who runs a business over there. After checking with his insurance, they put up signs to abide by law. Only possible repercussion, lose business. Literally

PS. E35 Ecm stop firing injectors at 5850 RPM. No matter what you do, it will report and data log 10,000 RPM. But it won't fire and injector above 5800. Thought you might like to know that Jeff.

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
Is it a law? Did it go through all the proper channels to be added to the statutes that govern our states and country? I don't recall hearing of any legislative branches holding sessions and voting to pass any mask mandate laws. I've heard of Governors passing down executive orders and issuing directives or recommended practices through the va, but that isn't exactly the same thing to me. It is a lot more difficult to pass a law through the proper legislative channels. There is a reason our country was founded in the manner it was. They didn't want a dictator that could just create laws on a whim. I'll be the first to admit that I ignore mask signs on businesses. If they ask me to put one on, I'll either do as they say or leave depending on how bad I want to be there. Now, before you go saying, "see, you got COVID because you didn't wear a mask." I got the virus from either my sister (the "Typhoid Mary" of our group, who also happens to be a mask wearer) or my parents, none of whom I would have been wearing a mask around anyway.

So last night I was scrolling through facebook and saw this picture posted in my feed. I would be interested to see which causes of death have gone down this year.


  • death stats.jpg
    death stats.jpg
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Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio

This happened a little ways from where I live in Kentucky, a lady was forced by police to wear an ankle bracelet because even though she agreed to self quarantine to the best of her ability, she refused to sign any legal papers. Talk about control hungry...
That is an option in Ohio for breaking quarantine. However West Virginia, my wife just calls the sheriff's department has them stop by and chat with you. There were also notify your employer and things like that. 60% of the people are very thankful for the work being done, and the ability to have food or medicine delivered to their house with just a phone call. About 20% are pissed that they even got a phone call, and are reluctant to give up any contact data for tracing. The National Guard handles majority of the cases. Do they have a little more tact I guess would be the best way to say it then your normal healthcare worker.

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Active member
Jun 15, 2008
Rancho Cucamonga
Is it a law? Did it go through all the proper channels to be added to the statutes that govern our states and country? I don't recall hearing of any legislative branches holding sessions and voting to pass any mask mandate laws. I've heard of Governors passing down executive orders and issuing directives or recommended practices through the va, but that isn't exactly the same thing to me. It is a lot more difficult to pass a law through the proper legislative channels. There is a reason our country was founded in the manner it was. They didn't want a dictator that could just create laws on a whim. I'll be the first to admit that I ignore mask signs on businesses. If they ask me to put one on, I'll either do as they say or leave depending on how bad I want to be there. Now, before you go saying, "see, you got COVID because you didn't wear a mask." I got the virus from either my sister (the "Typhoid Mary" of our group, who also happens to be a mask wearer) or my parents, none of whom I would have been wearing a mask around anyway.

So last night I was scrolling through facebook and saw this picture posted in my feed. I would be interested to see which causes of death have gone down this year.
Very cool dashboard. I think Facebook memes are useless and usually tilted to a persons "Likes" This dashboard allows us to see other deaths are still occurring plus the additional covid deaths.



Active member
May 22, 2020
Kidturbo, you very neatly avoided my question on how long you think we should all wear masks... So if I did comply and wear one, how long will it take to accomplish whatever it is you want to see accomplished?
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