If I was to take the oil fill line off the top of the turbo to see if the oil pump was pumping oil to the top of the engine would this be ok or is there a easier more simpler way to go about this?
You can loosen the top line and have someone ready to shut her down to make less of a mess doing these will tell you or get a 14 mm 1.5 pitch adapter and install a manual oil gauge from the side of the block.
i already took it off and had someone start it. It came out at a steady flow. Thanks for the help man. That eliminated one assumption. Im trying to find out why i have oil pressure when its cold "first start" but when i take off to drive it steadily drops. Then loud noises start happening. I dont understand!
The oil pump gear is only a slip fit and can spin on the shaft of the oil pump. We had one go bad from have high cold pressure and the owner did not let it warm up he spun his and we pulled the motor to double check the bearings and all to make sure he did not hurt it. Then got a new pump and had my machine shop add a key way to the gear and pump.
Another guy on here had a issue kinda like your it was Foster from Main. Only way to find out what it wrong is to take it apart you can try in the truck or pull the motor. One way or the other some parts need pulled to get in and look around.
Yeah but if i spend all this time/money on getting the oil pump replaced and it doesnt fix the problem. I am in the same boat with less money. I wish there was someone close that knows a lot more than me, that could possibly look, listen, log, whatever and give me their two cents.
You might get lucky making a post looking for help around Tx's there are members here in that area. Or get another motor and swap it out and sell that one off in parts or pull it look at the oil pump if that was it good if not look around and see if something else is not right.