need to know how much air a stock charger will flow thanks.
The PR (COP/CIP) on an LLY is over 3.0 on stock boost at sea level. The biggest mistaken assumption we make is that CIP is the same as ambient. It is a huge oversight. Subtract 4-5 psi from ambient pressure for stock boost, 8-9 psi at high augmentation. COP is affected also, there is 2-4 psi of CAC plumbing losses at stock levels, varying with compression efficiency and outlet temp.
I measured PR over 6 when i went to flagstaff (7000 ft and 11.8 psi ambient)
At sea level with new induction plumbing, near 75 lb/min is possible with low IAT. With the conditions stated above, choke occurs much sooner, about 45 lb/min, going from memory, that is with typical runaway IAT on stock LLY's.
The compressor map itself (the one linked above is valid) will only give characteristics of a compressor under standard conditions, and none of the deleterious plumbing considerations. It is a best case scenario.
IAT control and plumbing resistance reduction are the best ways to maximize flow. In theory also, pre compressor WI will elevate it.
There is a bunch of these types of discussions being featured on MaxxTorque. There is a calculator in my signature as well.