honda kill with messed tranny


New member
Feb 1, 2010
Shapleigh Maine
So a few weeks ago my stock transmission more or less crapped out, some clutch material got stuck in a valve and I only had reverse and 4th gear, the converter would not lock, and my fuel filter life was reading 0% Needless to say I'm limping it home from a snowmobiling/ski trip. My truck is loaded down with a snowmobile in the back, 2 sets of skis, and you couldnt see thru the rear window there was so much crap in it.

Anyways, I pull up to a light next to a newer 2 door si civic. I think to myself, screw it this tranny is junk, whats the worst that can happen? i have to call for a ride? so when the light changed I got into it, the guy in the gar starts to go for it, so i floor it. I was a solid 2 truck lengths ahead by the time we hit 80, managed to throw a low fuel rail pressure code. At the next light he went by me giving me the thumbs up. I was laughing. and my buddy that was riding with me was more then impressed....