I'm talking 75-125psi. Who/what company has one? The cheaper the better since this is a test.
I'm talking 75-125psi. Who/what company has one? The cheaper the better since this is a test.
Take a look @ a GASSER EFI electric pump they run @ 75+ psi
I used a Bosh as a trasfer pump and hooked a guage to it to see what kind of
pressure it ran, open port it ran @ 35 psi. The pressure regulator on most EFI
gasser run @ 70+ psi
When you dont want to mess around any more.
I guess so... I think I'd rather have a MITUSA for that kinda of coin.
If your going to run a Mech. fuel pump please use a three way dump valve.
do you mind explaining? I don't recall hearing mention of such a thing in the MITUSA kits. is that a problem???