Need some advise.
I'm new to the diesel scene. I have been reading through many posts on here and looking at the different problems. I have identified a comon denominator on engine problems. Performance Tuners and Chips. I have a guy who up grades to a different model truck and has a Predater tuner for a LLY. He said if I run the small tune 65hp I will love it. I'm asking you guys what do you think. I'm leary of doing anything because it is running great right now. I do make long trip to NMCA races pulling a 24' enclosed trailer with a 3100 lb car in it. It get's about 11-13 mpg pulling at 70mph in cruise. 18-20 empty on the interstate. 15ish around town. Thanks for your help in advance.
I'm new to the diesel scene. I have been reading through many posts on here and looking at the different problems. I have identified a comon denominator on engine problems. Performance Tuners and Chips. I have a guy who up grades to a different model truck and has a Predater tuner for a LLY. He said if I run the small tune 65hp I will love it. I'm asking you guys what do you think. I'm leary of doing anything because it is running great right now. I do make long trip to NMCA races pulling a 24' enclosed trailer with a 3100 lb car in it. It get's about 11-13 mpg pulling at 70mph in cruise. 18-20 empty on the interstate. 15ish around town. Thanks for your help in advance.
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