
Mar 25, 2008
Whitehorse Yukon
So I am stripping down an 02 truck and I want to take the cab off complete and I am wondering where the wiring harness disconnects so that the cab can be pulled off. I don't want to ruin any of the wiring harnesses if i don't have to but if everything has to be disconnected from behind the dash then the wires will get cut.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Trying to remember...

Follow wiring harness from drivers firewall to underhood circuit box and unplug the connectors from the underside.

I think Brake/ABS harness, wiper harness, AC/heater harness all unplug either at their connections or along their harness.

Ground wires on drivers side under drivers door attached to front body mount. There may also be a set on the pass side in same area as well.

Keep steering wheel locked so clockspring doesnt accidentally get damaged.

Parking brake cable has to be disconnected...theres a disconnect along the cable.
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