What this is, is a part-time work-from-home position, where you maintain a web presence for "Casper". We will set up a unique Facebook page that will be maintained, and have member accounts on various diesel boards.
As some may know, I've been banned from certain boards, and have pissed off a lot of folk.
I need a "diplomat" with good writing skills to maintain an internet presence on the diesel boards and social forums.
You would become part of the "pit crew" for Casper, and a member of the McRat Racing team.
PM me if interested.
As some may know, I've been banned from certain boards, and have pissed off a lot of folk.
I need a "diplomat" with good writing skills to maintain an internet presence on the diesel boards and social forums.
You would become part of the "pit crew" for Casper, and a member of the McRat Racing team.
PM me if interested.