Is everyone actually measuring the piston protusion or it seems most just install "C" grade gaskets. I ordered C grade gaskets i hope i did not make a mistake. I don't plan on getting crazy so i went with bolts no studds..
1)Grade A(2)Grade B(3)Grade C(4)Block Over-Bored(5)Block Over-Bored and Deck MilledCylinder Head Gasket Grade
Did you have a head gasket problem??
Yeah Stevo about a month after i took my twins off i started blowing coolant out of the recovery tank and the top hose was hard as a rock in the morning.
I have crappy luck....i have friends with twins that have a jillion passes at the track and gaskets are holding fine...i guess it was a fluke.
Thanks for the info...I hope mine are atleast B grade so it won't be too big of jump to a C grade thickness.