Pretty well! A buddy of mine had a clutch/tranny issue and kind an emergency fix this week. Since my plate is full on things to get done, i needed to get it done asap too. worked on it in the evenings wed, thurs, and fri night deceided to buck up and finish it since we had all the parts then. I had another friend helpin me since i dont have a lift at home and he needed to do a few things so that was a good trade to do his truck so by the time we were done, it was 5am
So ive been pretty roughed up and sore and relief is very welcome. Mind you its been snowing and very cold here and my shop is an uninsulated drafty steel building, so it sucked alot! Sorry for the long winded story:rofl:
Im good friends with everyone at our local Hobbytown, and me and some guys had an empty snowy parking lot all to ourselves the other night.....We were out driftin for a good 30-45 min the other night, 2 nissan trucks and my diesel benz, all 3 in a unison drift was badass! We had all kinds of people watching us! Ricers pulling over,:rofl:
That was some awsome b-day fun this weekend:thumb: