The broken cranks are "usually" at the #1 rod journal and have been believed to be caused by harmonic frequency developed from the firing order, which is why there's so much hype around the alternate firing order cam(s)
I think the biggest thing to look at is the crosshatching in the cylinder bore, but your probably gonna need a hone at a minimum to clean up any scoring from the cracked piston.
Crank end play and the cam bearings and main bearings would be next, and then see how much heat and friction the rod bearing took on.
Then how the top ring on the pistons look, look for any scuffing, if it looks "polished" I think that's normal, but scuffing isn't good..
Also check the top and bottom of the cylinder bore for where the piston stops traveling, look for a ridge caused by wear from the rings.
I've only taken one d-max apart
But I've torn a few SBC and a couple LS engines down with a few different people and those are the things I've always been told to look at