Sorry to hear about your health issues Pat, and yes getting old is not for sissies, Been there and done all those things except the Asthma.
First time I quit smoking it was for almost 9 years, did it cold turkey while in the navy and serving on a submarine, no small trick because everyone smoked in those days. I started again when I got divorced from my starter wife, stupid thing to start smoking again over for sure. Smoked for 11 years and one day I was driving to work grubbing through my ash tray looking for a long butt to smoke and damn near ran over a kid in the crosswalk. Never touched another one, not even to light it for someone else, that's was over 22 years ago.
I have diabetes as well, only found out about it about a years ago. Drugs got me back on the mend pretty quick. Endocrinologist never said anything about not drinking, mainly stay away from lots of starches such as pasta and potatoes and simple carbs which are actually worse for type 2 diabetes then sugar. They'll give you a list of foods that show their glycemic index. Sugar is 100, potatoes something like 130. My symptoms were thirsty all the time, going to the john every 30 minutes, blurry vision, muscle cramps, instantly sleepy after you eat, wild swings in energy levels. My blood glucose was 444 when I went in (normal should be around a 100-105) and my Ac1 test which an index of your blood glucose levels for the previous 3 months was 14.4. Normal is about 6.0.
Everything pretty much back to normal now, have to take a couple of drugs, Metformin and Actos but it does the trick, I feel fine and can still polish off a couple of Black Velvet Reserves every night.
Good luck, quiting isn't that tough if you put your mind to it, much harder for women for some reason than for men. Diabetes is fixable too, diet, exercise, (I don't do gyms) and drugs. :thumb: