6.5L Fuel filter replacement


New member
May 16, 2010
anyone have instructions on replaceing fuel filter on my 2006 Duramax, with auto transmission, or were I could get some? Thank you:


Dead Wrong
Mar 4, 2008
Open the hood. On the passenger side of the block back near the firewall you will find the fuel filter. There is a bleed screw on the top of the filter head. Crack it open. Then remove pass side fender liner to expose the filter. Unplug the WIF sensor which is the two wires coming off the bottom of the filter. Then unscrew the filter and take it to your bench or wherever you like and remove the white WIF sensor from the bottom of the filter as you will need to put it on the new filter. They make special wrenches for the sensors but I just use channel locks. Your new fuel filter will come with O-rings, place the new O ring on the WIF sensor, lube it with some diesel and screw it into the bottom of the new filter. Then lube the big o-ring that goes on the top of the filter, put it into place and fill the filter with fresh diesel. Put the filter back on, plug the sensor in, prime the filter with the pump on top of the filter head until fuel comes out of the bleed screw. Let it run for a minute or so then close the bleed screw and let it run for another minute to make sure the air is out of your fuel system. Button it all back up and voila.


Heavy & Slow
Sep 3, 2009
Boise, ID, USA
Yep, that's what I do, except I don't fill the filter first. I just leave the bleeder open and prime until diesel comes out, then shut the bleeder. Prime it a little more (until it gets hard to push), and it will fire right up.

It's not really that hard, just kind of annoying to have to take the fender liner off. I've done it without pulling the fender liner, but it was a PITA. I always pull the liner.
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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
I have never removed the liner or the tube to replace the fuel filter I use a filter wrench that has a swivel handle it comes out pretty easy.


Idiot with a wrench
Aug 18, 2008
The Norco's
I like all info so far but Dont touch any of the bleed or drain screws, not needed! Its good to fill the filter with clean diesel re-install depress prime plunger until stiff start truck 8 out of 10 times truck will not need to be primed any further! If truck dies just go back and depress prime plunger 30 to 50 times or until firm, crank truck in 15 sec intervals repeat until it stays running, and all air is purged, 2 to 3 times tops. The upper and lower bleed screws are the biggest source i have seen of loosing prime tow-ins! :thumb: