You are mis-informed. Nick banned me because I refused to re-up as a Vendor, PERIOD. I broke no rule and he knows it, he is just all about the money and that is it. It had nothing to do with TTS either.
What difference does it make to you anyway Tom ???
I chose to cancel my check after the Place sold, and whether or not I am there I have my dealer network and still sell plenty of tunes with or without the DP.
You got it now ???
Because I'm sick of hearing about it. Id be willing to bet theres a lot of people out there also sick of hearing about it.
Get over it. Move on. We're not here (or anywhere else for that matter) to keep this little "war" going just to make you feel better about yourself.
You dont need the Place any more. Your tuning rep will open those doors no matter what forum you're on. Shoot, I wish I had your gig. I could retire early from UPS that way.