I am finishing a project that I am a little over my head for the tuning. I swapped an LLY into my 01 silverado which had a LB7. I am using the LB7 ECM, FICM and GPCM so they all communicate together. The problem is I need help with the tune. I have HPtuner which has all the same tables as EFI live so I should be able to follow if you are referencing EFI live tunes. I am mostly concerned about the timing. I know the LLY has smaller injectors so it needs more PW which I corrected for but I don't know how much to change the timing and I don't know if i should be changing the timing for the entire table or where it needs the most timing and what is too much timing. I am not looking for a huge amount of power so I am trying to keep it in a range that is safe but still produces near or slightly above factory levels.