Drove a ZO6!


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Northwest Pa
So on Thursday after work I go over to see my wife (she works at a GM dealership) and shes not there. A few min. pass and this sweet vette pulls in and shes riding in it! :eek: Her and the boss get out and of course Im slobbering all over the place. He hands me the keys and say take it for a spin. So of course i did. :happy2: Its an 2008 ZO6 with full exhaust and some other goodies. That thing would rip! I was amazed! I felt like Indian Jones and I'd just found the Holy Grail! I want one!!!


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Northwest Pa
Ha!! As if the ZR1's aren't fast enough already! There's a guy that has a vette shop here and I guess he has one ordered. I need to start :hug: up so i can get a ride!