Drag Race / Meet & Greet in NE Ohio


New member
May 21, 2012
We are thinking about sponsoring a diesel class / meet and greet at Thompson Raceway Park

(Welcome to the ThompsonRacewayPark.com![/url]).

We will work out more details, shortly, but for now we have a couple of options. Show up for the day paying the standard $35 entry fee, and you would run with the standard classes…with gassers. Or…the second option, if we get enough of an interest, we may be able to have an all diesel index class…or other classes. I might even be able to see about getting some local establishments to help chip in for a purse even. The date we plan on having this event is Saturday August 11th, and there are even Jr dragsters racing the following Sunday you could stick around and watch if you wanted. Jeff “Stingpuller” Dean will be on hand with his Powerflow sponsored Duramax Diesel dragster making exhibition passes…unless Mr. Scheid wants to come out with his Cummins powered dragster and play too…
If anyone is interested in helping with organizing this event, and or anyone would like to help sponsor a class or classes for just the diesel trucks to run, please PM me. So…what do you say…any takers??