Howards Cams does. Or DPR
Any thoughts on them? They look desent! I want Carillos but thes might be a good cost effective alt choice? I heard Crower had some length consistancy issues?
I have a set for my build and they look very nice. I still don't think there worth the money one has to pay but I guess i'm a tight a$$! Jeff
The old Sony Mavica.. What a wonderful piece of dust collecting technology!
I heard Duramaxtuner won't be making rods anymore, but that may just be a rumor. I know Nick get's on here now and then, so he might be able to verify that.Crower used to I know I had heard they had fixed the problem. Id go with duramaxtuner rods or DPRs for the price.
I remember when those were the best thing around...The old Sony Mavica.. What a wonderful piece of dust collecting technology!
The old Sony Mavica.. What a wonderful piece of dust collecting technology!
I heard Duramaxtuner won't be making rods anymore, but that may just be a rumor.