DP 68 or 4094 with stock sticks


May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
Most everything works better with more fuel:D either charger will work alright on stock fuel, I have a 4094vgt and it does pretty good, however I know for certain it would have less "lag" or better spool from a stop, if I had, say, 40% injectors, but then I would need more conservative tuning to keep my pistons from melting, it's a give and take thing on the stock bottom end. I think the dp 68 moves more air, so unless you have future plans to go bigger, like to the vgt 72, I would go with the stg2 68 and Marks tuning, and start saving for some good aftermarket injectors, either way, I don't think you would be disappointed :thumb: I really like my 4094, it has good manners, plenty of grunt enough to put a big smile on my face, and a cool whistle ;) can't say about the 68, just read a lot of good thing about them


May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
4094's do just fine on stock fuel. Mine has almost no lag, tuning obviously plays a big part in that.

Neither does mine, it just doesn't respond like a stock charger does down low, obviously, but I believe that would change with a bigger injector, that's all


New member
Apr 22, 2013
Greenville, SC
Subscribed! Eventually gonna be the route I take untill I get the extra money for sticks but was thinking in the mean time I would be a bit cleaner as far as smoke output :thumb:


"Smoked Out"
Feb 17, 2011
Either charger will be ok with stock fueling, but like stated above, we recommend atleast a 45% over injector to get some of the manners back like a stock charger. Our DP68 will make more power down low vs the 4094va, and alot of that is the exhaust housing design. If you plan to go big later down the road, the 4094va will be the best route because you can upgrade, and it will make more power higher in the RPMs. I've had both on my truck, and I will be honest, the 68 drove alot better with my 45s, and now I have that with my 72mm, but I have 100% overs. Its always a battle, you have to lose to gain. Give me a call at the shop if you have any questions.