Door chimes when I shut truck down

Whitetail Addict

Rockin' the stock tune
May 8, 2008
South Central Pennsylvania
I noticed today when I turn my truck off my door chime (Bose stereo) dings two times, like when a warning comes across the dic. There is no warning. I did have the batteries drain on me this weekend. Also I reloaded my tune prior to the batteries draning, same tune with minor tweaks.

I guess my question is does anyone else's truck do this? I don't recollect mine doing this before the batteries drained.
Could the batteries have caused this or could the ignition switch be bad causing the drain? I haven't had the batteries load tested yet, I needed to haul with the truck today.

Sorry for all the questions, I'm not good with vehicle electrical systems.

Whitetail Addict

Rockin' the stock tune
May 8, 2008
South Central Pennsylvania
I have been paying close attention to the dinging since last week. Most of the times it chimes twice and stops when I take the key out, every so often it don't do it at all.
Just tonight it chimed even after I took the key out, like i left something on but I checked everything, I had to put the key back in and turn the switch to get it to shut off.
Anybody experience this? :confused: