Product Description about SynDiesel:
Syndiesel (R) Synthetic Diesel Fuel/Additive. 63 Cetane Number (highest of ANY Diesel fuel on the market today), 20,500 Btu/pound (20% more than standard Diesel), for European (MB & TDi) and other High Performance Diesel Engines and Standby Diesel Generators. Specific Sins: Eliminates SMOKE, quiets engine, sulfur free, reduces exhaust temperatures, stops detonation, quick power response - NO hesitation, pleasant 'candy' smell, no more gums, no sludge. No Oxidation - It will last for ten years in storage. Fuel stays clear and bright. Best of all the GEL POINT is -67F - perfect for standby or emergency generator fuel supply. Perfect for cold weather applications or winterizing a diesel engine powerplant. Flammable Liquid. Shipped in a UN/DOT APPROVED CONTAINER. Made in the USA. Shipping is additional for all products. No shipment outside of USA. Taxable for sales in Texas.
Im gonna order some and give it a try. I wonder of even mixing this diesel with normal #2 would work well? But no Sulfur? I assume they have other additives that replace the need for sulfur correct?