Help: Corrupted or bad ECM

Jun 22, 2008
My 03 has been giving me some issues off and on since I bought it with accelleration and adding power. At times it will have no throttle responce and others very little. Normally it's just occasionally. Even with a 500+HP tune in it, it seems like a turd. Today it does it all the time. No power,unable to gain speed,blue smoke,no codes though . Max of about 12psi reading on the laptop. Sometimes a little higher on the guage.
Could my ECM be corrupted or bad?


New member
Jul 21, 2008
He was just suggesting that if there is an intake leak it will pull air that is not going past the MAF sensor. It screw all kinds of stuff up. Check the MAF. It's the easiest thing to do.


May 22, 2008
Hewitt, NJ
If you did'nt pull filter yet, when you do so dont spill any. pour fuel in a glass jar (for some odd reason theres always a snapple bottle laying around, and I dont drink the stuff.) If you got a fair amount of water, put some dry gas in tank. Isopropynol not methanol. By the way- this is Karma for gettin that Dodge last week.
Jun 22, 2008
I didn't buy a ***** Dodge.
The fuel will be dirty I'm guessing not watery. I poured about 10gal of semi dirty red fuel in my tank in the last couple weeks just cause it was free :D. Must have been really dirty :mad:.

If you did'nt pull filter yet, when you do so dont spill any. pour fuel in a glass jar (for some odd reason theres always a snapple bottle laying around, and I dont drink the stuff.) If you got a fair amount of water, put some dry gas in tank. Isopropynol not methanol. By the way- this is Karma for gettin that Dodge last week.


May 22, 2008
Hewitt, NJ
If it even has the slightest sign of being dirty, NEVER PUT IT IN YOUR TANK! use it for your furnace or keep some of it in a 5 gal pail for parts degreaser.


May 22, 2008
Hewitt, NJ
How much fuel left in tank? if alot do you have access to an air compressor? When I got my first fill up, I wasnt paying attention and the silly little imigrant dragged the hose for high test past the diesel pump and pumped 22 gals of super in the tank. I had it flat bedded back to work but had no means of lowering tank. I took a piece of lage hose (garden hose size) and an air line. stuffed them both down filler neck and put a damp rag ( dampened it with ATF) around hoses to block off air. by putting air into tank, iit pushed fuel out. and I was able to remove about 24 gal. Crude yes, but works in a jam.
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Old Geezer
Jun 27, 2008
Madras, OR, Pahrump NV
How much fuel left in tank? if alot do you have access to an air compressor? When I got my first fill up, I wasnt paying attention and the silly little imigrant dragged the hose for high test past the diesel pump and pumped 22 gals of super in the tank. I had it flat bedded back to work but had no means of lowering tank. I took a piece of lage hose (garden hose size) and an air line. stuffed them both down filler neck and put a damp rag ( dampened it with ATF) around hoses to block off air. by putting air into tank, iit pushed fuel out. and I was able to remove about 24 gal. Crude yes, but works in a jam.

That silly little imigrant would have been sucking it out with his mouth. Damn I hate that, here in Oregon you can't pump your own gas. Law says you can pump your own diesel but some stations don't even like that. I always try to find someplace that has a dedicated diesel island or the gas pumps disabled near the diesel. That happens a lot here and gets expensive for the station owner, and all in the name of safety. I've been in more that one fight with a station manager about how much safer some 16 year old kid is or someone who can't even speak english than me filling my own truck.

Sorry for the rant and thread jack. Kyle you didn't tell me you put a bunch of crap fuel in your truck. You've been on that ranch too long.:D


May 22, 2008
Hewitt, NJ
well, I left the drama out. after some yelling, the guy told me not to worry about it. A UPS driver over heard this and started yelling more original things than I could think of it at the time. the two guys working there emptied their pockets and gave me $280 to get out of there. which was good since I needed the money for the tow. then to top things off, the mng asked about the money for the gas as it was being loaded on flatbed. You wouldnt believe how quick the driver grabbed me. good thing cause I guess I would've spent the nite in jail
Jun 22, 2008
You bet I have a compressor,I have a lot of tools :D.
I've run semi dirty red fuel before as well as filtered waste oil,ATF,Hydroilc oil,ect. I ran a mix of waste oil and diesel in my 01 for probably 10K miles.
It all burns :rofl: plus I was out of fuel and needed to get to town to get more fuel. Hate to burn my Dads ranch fuel :angel:.
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Old Geezer
Jun 27, 2008
Madras, OR, Pahrump NV
You bet I have a compressor,I have a lot of tools :D.
I've run semi dirty red fuel before as well as filtered waste oil,ATF,Hydroilc oil,ect. I ran a mix of waste oil and diesel in my 01 for probably 10K miles.
It all burns :rofl: plus I was out of fuel and needed to get to town to get more fuel. Hate to burn my Dads ranch fuel :angel:.

I'm surprised either of them even run.:D
Jun 22, 2008
Come on,they are LB7's. Kinda like a 12V right? I got it fixed with a fuel filter of all things :rolleyes:. Loaded my big tune back in and put it sideways on the highway a few times and now I got a smile back on my face :D

I'm surprised either of them even run.:D
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