Where is a good location to utilize a coolant thermostat for a set of electric fans. Is there a port to use or am I going to have to fab one???
My kit uses a probe that sticks into the radiator near the upper radiator hose
Any other ideas. I was thinking maybe a tee fitting were the coolant sensôr goes.
I was told not to do that, the logic being that either you'd have to deal with it becoming an air pocket, or the coolant wouldnt be flowing past the sensor creating a "hot" spot.
You could have a bung welded onto the upper radiator pipe, or use a radiator hose adapter from Summit, too.
You mean the turbo coolant port?
Oh ok...gotcha. Ive been trying to find a 1-3/4" or 2" radiator hose adapter, but seems they arent made that large.
Mine is like Brian's, flex a lite setup. Been working great for the last couple years. Simple to install, and not very noticeable.