New Times
Nope just one money pit! I stopped at a track on the way back from the TS mess and made a few passes. It was killing me to see how the truck would work after changing everything. It had a 1.49 60 ft so I would say it works pretty good. It was still a fairly soft leave (15/16 lbs of boost). It fell under the charger on the 4/5 shift so there is more there. I raised the shift points and tryed to make another pass but it blew the boot of the cic tube. It did run 1.5 mph faster to the 1/8 before the boot come off. I really didn't think it would run that fast with the setup that I have on it know. I only have a small nos noid with a #4 feed line. Thats school :angel:boy stuff to nitrous guys. Jeff