compressor/turbine housing sizes...


Apr 28, 2007
in the buckeye state
i have notice that there at least 2 common ways to classify a charger.

1. exducer on the compresser wheel ie GT4088, 4094....

2. inducer on the compressor wheel. 64, 66, 70, 80....
for the most part i have this figured out

the other half is turbine housings.which im still fuzzy when comparing turbos spec

1 is done by Area to radius. nubers like .85, .95. 1.06.....
like this.. smaller the number faster it spools
the inlet (or, for compressor housings, the discharge) cross-sectional area divided by the radius from the turbo centerline to the centroid of that area

2. CM 12cm, 16cm....

all i know is the smaller the number the faster it spools... but what i dont know is how to get a common denominator to compare the two.
ie 4088gt (63.7mm wheel) compared to a 64mm turbo that i see alot of CTD guys running. the part that i dont get is how do i compare to how a 12cm, 14cm, 16cm that i normally see on a HX, Turbonectics turbo...

basic question
what does the "14CM" measure and how..

and the turbine housing is a giving copout answer.......


Apr 28, 2007
in the buckeye state
i forogt about this thread :rofl:

so i have learn some thing since then..

as i understand it.

AR is said as a % of the radius ex. area is .9% of the radia

XXcm is the area itself. would be the radius

now i just confused myself :rolleyes: