Competition Diesel gone


Super Moderator
Staff member
Dec 15, 2010
Seams CompD is gone
Can't login
I know some of us bounced between here and there
View attachment 128191
A WHOIS check of the site indicates it's license expires on the 3rd of January 2025 but has a renew block placed on it. Possibly due to some legal action or lack of payment

Their Facebook page is still up. Some mention of their forum getting "mothballed"

Some comments of not wanting to pay for a renewal and not accepting offers to be bought. But I have no Facebook account so hard for me to squeeze out more
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Apr 28, 2007
in the buckeye state
A WHOIS check of the site indicates it's license expires on the 3rd of January 2025 but has a renew block placed on it. Possibly due to some legal action or lack of payment

Their Facebook page is still up. Some mention of their forum getting "mothballed"

Some comments of not wanting to pay for a renewal and not accepting offers to be bought. But I have no Facebook account so hard for me to squeeze out more
Yep,. several of the main admins have posted..
Since you don't have FB..
Here's the main post.
As many of you know our website was mothballed today. Most of that can be blamed on the very site that this is posted on.

Its been a good run boys and girls. Remember anytime you see a boat, gardening tool or eat a taco to think of us. We've made a lot of great memories and friends and proud to call most of you family. Except you Comp461, you still suck.

Now for a way more eloquent way of putting things, I present to you our very own master of the English language, Amish Elegance....

Two guys brought us all together and gave us a free place to exchange ideas. They ignored generous offers to cash-in on their efforts for years! They didn't sell - even though every moderator didn't want a dime for efforts and completely supported their decision to cash out for the love they put in to the child they created. #nohomo

Chasing all those events and meeting all of you miscreants, as well as befriending several who's personalities didn't deserve fame but played a key roll in pushing the sport forward was part of the game; and they fucking loved it. You couldn't reach Tim or Phil some evenings because of who they were talking to, and finding out who was tying up their lines only pissed you off more - but they did it for all of us.

CompD wasn't just a friend group; It was a place where a common interest MADE friends - in spite of disagreements. Multi page threads existed because they needed to! Censored content or clicking to see something that might be offensive hadn't been heard of. CompD let everyone fight it out till resolution - and if that wasn't possible, moderators were tasked with running threads past the ditches, well out into the weeds while making everyone laugh and hurl empty beer cans at shadows or Comp461 - making tacos and laughing all the way.

Fuckin tacos, man. Who doesn't love tacos??

Some moderators joked that many of those relationships would go on forever if diesel motorsports fell off the planet.

Well, it didn't.

Quite the contrary. Many of the wet-behind-the-ears rookies (Firepunk Kids, Fleece brothers, or a military vet who spun wrenches for Joe Webb named 'Ryan' ring any bells?) who raced bracket or work-stock classes early on have gone on to create Empires of motorsport performance that feed families and send diesel vehicles further down the dirt and faster down the track than anyone using spark plugs ever imagined!

Guess what?

The two wonderful assholes who brought us all together saw this from the beginning and downed beers with most of you while encouraging your wild-ass ideas along the way.
Nobody at Yellowbullet would have imagined seeing the back bumper of anything running on diesel. Nobody with a dual engined tractor would have imagined a sled adding weight for the next class of Street Diesel trucks.

Here we are.

As it relates to the past and the beginning of all good stories: "There we were..."

Ideas failed. Notions were proven. Progress was backwards. Heros become human. Nobodies become Legends! Hogue remained one, only in his own mind.

They say that History is written by the Victors. Tim and Phil made a place for the fight to be documented and insured the results were trophies of friendships that last for the rest of our lives.

Who could ask for more from anyone?

Hoist a glass with an asshole from the past, cheers to a future where ideas and friendships have carried us past our own special arena and into the mainstream where two visionary souls knew we'd be all along.

Give them all hell, and laugh at distributors, coil packs, and even magnetos while polishing your trophies and savoring memories of hard earned light-beer buzzes with some dudes called "Wideopen" and his mouthy friend with red hair "Timbeaux38!"

They'd never claim the credit for why you're here, but they're damn proud of the friends you made along the way getting where you are.

#godspeedCompD #thankyouadmins #originalpukeandrally #friendsforever #jackstandhero #somanymore


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
I havent been on CompD in a few years. But Phil and Timmay (Ill always call him that) were good guys. Its too bad the site is gone.


Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
I read this morning that Competition Diesel is officially shut down. I was never as active there as I was here, and it has been a long time since I logged in and posted there, but it is still a loss for the diesel community. That site definitely was a catalyst for a lot of the advancements the diesel performance industry has made in the past 15 years. It makes me grateful to still have this place.


Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
Hopefully Wayback Machine archived it all for us..

After 32 years connecting and surfing the wild wild web, one thing I can say stands true, every dog has it's day online.. Then they just as quickly fade away into the Netscape.. It used to be a standard 5yr website lifecycle, before FB finally proved me wrong by somehow survived long enough to turn a profit. Before that, the bandwidth funds usually dried up long before the word profit ever showed up on a quarterly.

Best advice I give all my young Youtuber buddies is bank all you can fast as you can, because one day outa the blue, all that fame and popularity will just vanish into the ether.. The moment the next viral video sinsation grabs all that AI attention. Or Goggle just gets tierd of paying you, and finds a good reason to demonetize your work...
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Dec 15, 2010
I tried looking at some of the wayback machine for that site. There is some information available. But it's fractured with what appears to be a bunch of broken links and un-rendered pages so it's hard to navigate. I wonder if the owner has backups of the site he would be willing to part with. Maybe if someone later wanted to start up their own forum it can be synced into it or perhaps an archive here with their threads. I didn't browse their site much so I don't really know what information would be lost. But through the wayback machine it did look to have much of the same structure as this forum
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