cleaning solvent?


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Buffalo MN
Hey guys I am rebuilding the motor in my dmax. While it is tore apart I would like to clean as much as I can. What do you guys use to clean the aluminum pieces. Mine kind of look dark and stained. I would like them to look as close to new as possible. I have tried super clean, purple power, simple green, lacquer thinner, carb cleaner, muraitic acid and a couple others. Nothing seems to make them look shinny. There is nothing on them they just still look stained. I don't really have access to any industrial parts cleaning systems and I don't want to bead blast everything. I am just looking for something reasonable priced to clean the parts. If I can't do it on a reasonable budget I will just use what I have. I just wanted everything clean so I could keep an eye on leaks easier.