Cleaning Injector lines/fuel rail

What would be the best thing to use to clean the exterior of injector lines and the fuel rail?? during my build this winter I've taken the time to have many of my parts powder coated and don't wanna put the rail and lines back on in the state they're in. Thanks


Sep 29, 2009
Are they just oxidized? I used a wire wheel mounted in a bench grinder. Then used brake cleaner to make sure there was nothing inside them.


Active member
Sep 20, 2006
Wentzville Mo
5k psi heated pressure washer i use one on oil field parts and equipment will clean anything off

Hey Bill I see you started a new name did you ever finish off that half a bottle left of jaeger from when you were posting under your old name of brokentothemaxdiesel you guys also still have the other name of B.LairdOilco. to use love the new email you used is that the drink of the night jimbeambourbon67 by the way the IP stays the same you can use all the emails and new names you want :hug:


<< Lo-Carb Monster
Feb 27, 2009
Orlinda, TN
What would be the best thing to use to clean the exterior of injector lines and the fuel rail?? during my build this winter I've taken the time to have many of my parts powder coated and don't wanna put the rail and lines back on in the state they're in. Thanks

I guess you did your valve covers and coolant crossover Nick ? Did you do high temp coating? I want to do mine when I do my headgaskets.