I am looking for a good cell signal booster for my shop, I have excellent service outside, but with the metal on the walls, and my ceiling, i have no reception unless the overhead doors are open, or standing next to a window. I have cellular one of east central illinois, they are a gsm network, not for sure on the frequency. I was thinking of changing service to verizon, which is 3g here(cdma i think) but changed my mind on that. However I am going to go with wireless internet for my shop laptop, so I am looking for a good booster that is compatible with my current cell phone, and with verizons wireless internet. My shop is 40x60 with 16ft sidewalls, and finished with metal on the walls and the ceiling. Both cell carriers work great outside, if the doors are open, and within 3ft of the window.
Sorry for the novel, just wanted to provide all i Know .
Sorry for the novel, just wanted to provide all i Know .