The turbo if from a fire truck. So far all I have found is the a/r.81 and some #'s on the compressor housing along with garret. What mesurements do i need to see if this will work? it was on a v-92 detroit with 19k miles. And it is the size of a basketball!
Pull the compressor and turbine housings off and measure the diameter of each wheel. Measure compressor and turbine wheel inducer and exducer. This will give us a little bit of info on the general size, but if you could find the stock P/N it would be more helpful.
Here are some pics of the turbo i wll be using for my set up. Also I have the turbine specs inducer 111.5mm, exducer 101.5. Compressor inducer 88.0, exducer 117.6. Model # TV8513.