They wanted to break things and steal stuff.
One store owner with a shotgun would have stopped it in a hurry. But in California, he would go to jail for protecting his property and life.
Well duh its CA, everything is different there.
I was just reading an article about how many farms had to let produce rot in the fields due to labor shortages and feel the coming years they may just quit the business all together due to the immigration reform scares. Meanwhile the news is full of unemployment stats. I can't help to think to myself that theres a solution for both problems, make the lazy people on welfare get a job picking produce. Most would quit though. Believe it or not they do not all make minimum wage and many get benefits, the issue is too many feel they'd rather get a handout and do nothing.
off rant, sorry to derail your thread Pat. So you have some pictures of you catching waves? last time I was boogie boarding it was in Gulf Shores AL before the hurricane hit it. It was the last day of our trip and there was some serious waves. We could ride them out all the way past the beach and into the tumble weeds.