So I have been running build 139 for awhile now because last time I flashed an Lly it was giving me tonight I pull the stock tune out....installed a dsp5 switch then went to flash the trouble starts. It came up with some error along the lines of cannot communicate with flash scan tool.... So after trying different USB cables to no avail I went ahead and updated to 211 and also updated v8 and the boot block and firmware. Now when I go to flash the truck it gets to the point that the ECM is ready to flash then it comes up with a box that says something along the lines of data transfer interrupted please restart the flash scan tool and computer and do a complete os reflash if problem persists. So I'm kinda stumped....I successfully flashed my lb7 after all that just to make sure it was the truck. Where do I go from here? It leaves the ECM in an unknown state and therefore I have to wait however long it takes to reset before trying again. I'll post up the exact error when I can try again. Thanks!!