Any PWC Guru's here?


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2006
St Louis, MO
I'm looking to buy a 2004 Honda AquaTrax from a friends brother. Original asking price was $5000 with the 2 ski trailer, but my friend and I worked it out to where he's going to buy the trailer and I'm just going to buy the ski (he owns the second ski on the trailer). Does anyone know what would be a fair price? I did some looking and according to NADA, the retail value of it is between $3,395 & $3,820, however it has a Macsboost Stage 2 kit, so that adds some to it's value. I'd think something like 50% of the kit's cost at most... We all know that just because we add $5,000 in aftermarket parts to our trucks it doesn't increase the retail value by $5,000.
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496 BB

Head Thread De-Railer
Feb 20, 2009
At your girlfriends house
I would go with what others are going for in your area and what your willing to pay for it. PWCs dont really hold value all that least not around here. I bought a brand new 2004 Yamaha GP1300R with trailer for around $9K out door. Sold it 3 years later for just under $5500. I had a Riva Racing Stage 2 race kit on it too. You will never get the money out of add ons. My trailer new was $600 and some change. BUT you can buy them used for like half that. That was a single.

I would personally pay $3500 and no more for that. Although if I was going to get another one it would be the same as what I had. I NEVER got beat by anything else on that ski. Not even the supercharged Sea Doos could run it. Never heard anything bad about those Hondas or the turbos on em though.