Any philosophy minds in here?


GTO Slayer
Apr 3, 2008
Writing a phil. paper tonight and its driving me nuts, philosophy and myself dont mix lol.:baby: Here is what my short paper is on:

Imagine you are Plato. You hear someone saying the following: "Don't give me this nonsense about morality. We all know that morality is just a matter of the law. And who makes the law? Those in power make the law. And for whose benefit do they make it? Simply for their own! For the most of us being moral is disadvantatage not a good thing--except as a sort of strategy for managing in society without getting clobbered. You are so naive!"

What do you say??

Ill be up most the night since Im a procrastinator... :angel:
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Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
Writing a phil. paper tonight and its driving me nuts, philosophy and myself dont mix lol.:baby: Here is what my short paper is on:

Imagine you are Plato. You hear someone saying the following: "Don't give me this nonsense about morality. We all know that morality is just a matter of the law. And who makes the law? Those in power make the law. And for whose benefit do they make it? Simply for their own! For the most of us being moral is disadvantatage not a good thing--except as a sort of strategy for managing in society without getting clobbered. You are so naive!"

What do you say??

Ill be up most the night since Im a procrastinator... :angel:

That is why I gave up on Philosophy :D good luck


GTO Slayer
Apr 3, 2008
History of Western Philosophy I: its an upper division theme course, wasnt my first pick just what was left when i registered for classes.


Sep 30, 2009
Writing a phil. paper tonight and its driving me nuts, philosophy and myself dont mix lol.:baby: Here is what my short paper is on:

Imagine you are Plato. You hear someone saying the following: "Don't give me this nonsense about morality. We all know that morality is just a matter of the law. And who makes the law? Those in power make the law. And for whose benefit do they make it? Simply for their own! For the most of us being moral is disadvantatage not a good thing--except as a sort of strategy for managing in society without getting clobbered. You are so naive!"

What do you say??

Ill be up most the night since Im a procrastinator... :angel:

I'll take a crack at it...

One could argue that the antagonizer in this scenario is trying to distract from the real issue by deflecting on to a much more vague generalization.
However, to follow that generalization, the ones who are in power had to come into power one way or the other. So in that case if there is fault to be laid at someones feet, it should fall squarely in front of the idiots who empowered the moron, and visa versa. A single entity (ruler, or ruling body) only rules so long as the subjects submit to that ruling entity.
As for the morality piece, morality is a matter of perspective. What may be good to one person might be a mortal sin to another. An individuals morality is determined by that individual and is shaped by that individual's experiences, while the morality of a group is often determined by whoever can convince everyone else that their morals are better.
Were I Plato, I would ask what this antagonists morals were, and why he should be selected to be in power on the next go around. The best way to win this type of arguement is to ask questions that steer the subject gradually into convincing himself of his own ignorance. Questions like, 'Would you be more selfless if you were in charge? How?', 'What makes your moral compass point in a better direction?', and 'What makes someone of a different opinion, naiive?'. After all, ignorance is cureable, stupidity is terminal.

Hope that helps. Good luck with your paper.


Sep 30, 2009
No problem. It's been a few years since I've been in any kind of school so I apologize if it was a bit disjointed. haha