is it an lb7 or an lly motor? 8th digit in the vin will tell you if its a 1 its lb7 if its 2 its an lly
1st figure out your budget next figure out how far do you want to go,for programing efi live is the best,otherwise there are some nice canned tunes out there i like edge hot juice (150 h.p.) with the over head monitor.Your going to need a full exhaust,cold air kit.if its an lb7 for 30 bucks get the ppe boost valve,anything more and you are going to be sending your trans to the grave yard,also get a lift pump so you dont keep running the cp3 low on fuel.Take this for what it is,its my oppinion and there are some great people on here with alot more knowledge then me,these are things i have tryed and worked great for me.